In 2009-2020, I translated publication "EU-VAT Directive - practical commentary". This professional publication is the first compendious commentary to the VAT Directive (Council Directive 2006/112/ EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax), published in Czech language. Authors were the prominent experts of the Austrian tax administration and academicians Dr. Wolfgang Berger, Dr. Caroline Kindl a DDr. Marian Wakounig.
The book was published by VOX, a.s. in 2011.
ISBN: 978-80-8632-483-8, pages: 736
In 2008-2009, I participated in a translation of "Commentary on OECD-Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital". This publication contens the condensed version of the Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital as it reads on 17th July 2008, after the adoption of the seventh update. It contents both commentaries and explanation notes to the articles and terms used in the Convention and reservations and opinions of both Member States and Non-Member States. Very useful tool is a English-Czech dictionary of basic terms used in the Commentary and in the Modell Tax Convention.
The book was published commonly by Wolters Kluwer ČR, a. s., by Chamber of Tax Advisors of the Czech Republic and by Chamber of Tax Advisors of the Slovak Republic in 2009.
ISBN: 978-80-7357-480-2, pages: 448
In 2003-2004 I participated on drafting of the part of the book "Daňový receptář" ("Tax recipe book") dealing with the new VAT system. The book offers a comprehensive overview about the tax issues. It describes comprehensibly and in detail all kind of taxes applied in the Czech Republic. It is useful for all persons having tax liabilities, both for free-lancers and interpreneuers and other affected subjects.
The book was published by LexisNexis CZ.
ISBN: 80-86199-64-9, pages: 678